JULIA BERKELEY, having been a disciple of yoga for 25 years, brings both a deep love and embodied understanding of the wisdom of yoga to her classes and students.

It is her great passion to connect each student to the joy of being connected to body and breath and the felt experience of the love, peace and bliss that is your essential nature.

Primarily based in the hatha yoga system her classes offer a weaving of asana, pranayama, mantra, classical kundalini kriyas and meditation, threaded with devotion and song, designed to free the mind and awaken the heart and soul.

Julia has been sharing yoga, dance, kirtan and healing through classes, workshops and retreats since 2007.

To find out more about Julia and listen to her music please visit www.juliaberkeley.com

Julia’s classes

YOGA LOVE Sunday Mornings at 10 AM

In this 90 minute all level yoga session, Julia takes you on a journey out of the habits of worry and stress back home to the love and joy that is your essential nature.

Reconnect to and realign your body, mind, heart and soul through awakening movements (asana), healing breath practices (pranayama), sivasana lullaby and calming meditation.

These sessions are designed to leave you feeling balanced, peaceful, awake and more connected to the wisdom and sweetness of your heart.

NIDRA NIGHTS Thursday Nights at 7 PM

Yoga Nidra is a guided relaxation practice that helps to release long
held stresses from a cellular level.

Come in, lie down, let go. Access deep rest and effortless meditation through the practice of yoga nidra. Unwind blockages from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual layers of your being so that you can experience more of the natural peace and joy that is your essential nature. Leave quietly and enjoy a blissful night of sleep. Best done with less food in your belly.